How to Train Your Corgi: Essential Commands Every Owner Should Know

How to Train Your Corgi: Essential Commands Every Owner Should Know

Mastering essential commands is not just about teaching your Corgi manners; it's about ensuring their safety and fostering a respectful relationship. From the basic "sit" to the ever-important "come," let's explore the fundamental commands every Corgi owner should introduce to their training repertoire.
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Embarking on the training journey with your Corgi is an adventure filled with opportunities for bonding, challenges, and rewarding milestones. Corgis, with their intelligent and sometimes stubborn nature, are eager learners who thrive with consistent, positive reinforcement. Mastering essential commands is not just about teaching your Corgi manners; it's about ensuring their safety and fostering a respectful relationship. From the basic "sit" to the ever-important "come," let's explore the fundamental commands every Corgi owner should introduce to their training repertoire.

The Foundation: "Sit," "Stay," and "Down"

Starting with basic commands lays the groundwork for more advanced training, helping your Corgi understand what is expected of them.

  • "Sit" is often the first command taught, serving as a building block for other commands. It's useful for calming your Corgi in excited states and preparing them for further instructions.
  • "Stay" teaches your Corgi patience and self-control, essential for situations where they need to remain in place for their safety.
  • "Down" is valuable for encouraging calm behavior and is a stepping stone to more complex commands.

Extra Tips:

  • For teaching "sit," hold a treat above your Corgi's nose and slowly move your hand back over their head, encouraging their bottom to lower. Once they’re sitting, say "sit," give them the treat, and offer enthusiastic praise.
  • Creating positive associations with these commands through treats and praise reinforces their willingness to obey. Keep sessions short and fun to maintain their interest.

Building Reliability: "Come" and "Leave It"

Commands that ensure your Corgi's safety in potentially dangerous situations are crucial for every owner to implement.

  • "Come" is perhaps the most important recall command, useful in many situations, especially when off-leash.
  • "Leave It" teaches your Corgi to avoid unwanted items or stop unwanted behavior, crucial for preventing them from picking up harmful objects or food.

Extra Tips:

  • To practice "come," start in a distraction-free environment, using a long leash to gently reel them in if necessary. Reward them lavishly when they obey.
  • For "leave it," begin by holding a treat in a closed fist. When your Corgi stops trying to get the treat and moves away, say "leave it," then reward them with a different treat.

The Next Steps: "Heel" and "Place"

As your Corgi masters the basics, introducing commands that enhance walking and home behaviors can further enrich your training sessions.

  • "Heel" helps manage your Corgi's position during walks, keeping them close and attentive to you, rather than pulling ahead or lagging behind.
  • "Place" directs your Corgi to go to a specific spot and stay there, useful for managing greetings at the door or during meal times.

Extra Tips:

  • For "heel," use treats to lure your Corgi to your side, then walk a few steps. If they stay by your side, reward them. Gradually increase the number of steps before rewarding.
  • Training "place" involves guiding your Corgi to their designated spot (like a bed or mat) with a treat and using the command "place." Reward them for staying and gradually increase the duration.


Training your Corgi with these essential commands opens a world of communication, safety, and mutual respect between you and your furry companion. Remember, consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement are key elements of successful training. Celebrate each success, no matter how small, and enjoy the journey of growth and learning together. As you and your Corgi become more attuned to each other's cues and responses, you'll find that these commands do more than just instruct—they deepen the bond you share, creating a harmonious and happy life together.

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